
Ch2: A Bishounen's Slumber

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Literature Text

Disclaimer: Kingdom Hearts belongs to Square Enix and Disney.

This chapter includes: SoRiku, Zemyx and light femmeslash. You've been warned.

Chapter Two: A Bishounen's Slumber

Once upon a time there was a King and a Queen who had a beautiful baby boy. The King wished to have a grand party to commemorate the birth but the Queen didn't.

"Something bad is going to happen, I just know it," Zexion said, grasping his husband's sleeves desperately. "Please, trust me on this one. I know I don't usually stop you from throwing your parties, although you know I don't like them, but this time I'm speaking up."

Demyx sighed and held Zexion's hands in his. "I trust you," he said, "but if a party isn't held then our people will worry. I'm known for my parties."

"I know," Zexion understood his partner's reasoning but still felt uneasy.

"How about this, then," Demyx stroked Zexion's face lovingly, "we'll invite all of the fairies in the kingdom. That way, if anything goes wrong, at least one of them will be able to do something."

Although Zexion still felt uneasy, he nodded and gave in to Demyx's pleading.

The party had a smaller number of guests than the King's usual parties and the presence of the fairies helped to ease Zexion's tension but he felt as though he'd forgotten something.

The feeling was put aside, however, when dinner ended and the fairies began giving the baby, whose name was Sora because he was as beautiful as the sky, their blessings. As the evening wound down, the Queen's anxiety faded. Nothing had happened yet and he found it unlikely that any of their trusted subjects and the remaining kind-looking fairies would do anything.

One fairy walked up, brushing her red hair out of her eyes, and smiled lovingly at the baby. "I wish you to be beautiful. Your humble beauty shall charm all around you," the woman kissed Sora on the forehead and stepped back to allow her comrades a turn.

A blonde girl stepped forward next, leaning into the cradle to touch her nose to the boy's. He smiled and reached out to her. The girl smiled back and allowed the baby to grasp her finger. "I wish you to have the intelligence to love learning. Every day will be an adventure and you'll want to know so much," the girl also kissed Sora before joining her friends.

The last fairy stepped forward and took a breath. As they got to the cradle the doors to the hall flung open, a tall, menacing woman standing in the doorway.

"Larxene," Zexion whispered, his eyes wide. The fairy Larxene was known for being a witch and Zexion had, in his tension, forgotten to invite her. The Queen prayed to himself that she wouldn't do anything.

"Well, hello everybody," Larxene said, waltzing into the hall. "Enjoying the party?" She was met with silence, everyone hoping for the best but anticipating the worst. "I see," she looked disappointed. She approached the baby's cradle and Demyx and Zexion stepped closer to it unconsciously.

"Your Majesties," Larxene purred, "I only wish to give your child my blessing as well." When no one moved the witch leaned over the cradle and placed her finger on Sora's forehead. The baby squirmed, grunting in discomfort, which Larxene only smiled at. "So precious.

"When you are sixteen years of age, little one, you will prick your finger on a spindle and fall dead," Larxene cackled and disappeared in a flash of light.

Zexion and Demyx ran to Sora and held the now-crying baby.

"I'm so sorry," Demyx said. "If I'd listened to you and not thrown this party this never would have happened."

"I'm sorry," Zexion said. "If I'd remembered to invite Larxene this never would have happened."

They looked into each other's eyes, both about ready to cry. They distracted themselves, however, by comforting Sora, his blue eyes wet and scrunched up.

"Um, your Majesties?"

The couple looked up at the redhead fairy who had spoken.

"Xion still hasn't blessed your son," she pointed to the remaining fairy.

"Could you...could you reverse the curse?" Zexion asked, looking at the girl. She stepped forward, up to Zexion. The man sighed inwardly, feeling short compared to the girl who looked no more than fifteen years old.

"No, not reverse it," she shook her head sadly, "but I can lessen the damage a bit," the girl stroked Sora's hand gently. "You shall not die when you're pricked by the spindle on your sixteenth birthday. Instead, you shall fall asleep. Only true love's kiss will be able to wake you," Xion kissed the baby's forehead and looked at the Royal couple. "I hope it will be enough. My magic is still weak and - "

"Thank you for doing your best," Demyx said, smiling a little. The three fairies looked worriedly at each other. "What is it?" The King asked.

"We're worried that Larxene will come back to...well...kill Sora,"

"If she wanted Sora dead sooner why would she wait until he's sixteen?" Zexion didn't see the logic in the situation.

"Larxene is no fool, Majesty," the red haired one said, "she knows that we'll do anything to thwart her original plan and she will have to work to kill off anyone on our watch."

"I see," Zexion said, "and what do you propose we do?"

"We need to hide him. Having him in the Castle leaves him available for attack. No, Majesty, we're not suggesting that your security isn't capable," she said, cutting off Demyx before he began. "I'm merely saying that while she'll expect a relocation; this is the first place Larxene will look for Sora."

Demyx nodded. "I understand. I assume you're willing to shelter Sora until he's safe?"

The three fairies nodded. "Of course," the blonde one smiled, "you read our minds."

"Is this really happening?" Zexion said. Everyone turned to him. "Just like're taking my son away from me?" The man clutched Sora closer. The baby had fallen asleep and clung to his 'mother' in slumber.

"I understand that this is hard for you," Xion said, "but it really is for the best. You'll be able to see your son eventually, I promise, but for now he's most definitely safer with us."

Finally, Zexion nodded and handed the baby over to the blonde, who held him so gently.

"I suppose you should at least know our names," the redhead said. "I'm Kairi, this is Naminé," she gestured to the blonde, "and, as I said earlier, this is Xion," she pointed to the girl who'd undoubtedly saved Sora's life.

"Thank you, Kairi, Naminé and Xion, for helping us so," Xemyx said. "We are forever in your debt."

"Save that for when we've returned your son safely, sire," Xion said.

"Of course," Demyx wrapped his arm around his partner's waist and took one last look at his son. "Goodbye Sora. I love you."

The girls smiled sadly at the couple before disappearing.


As the years passed, Sora grew to be a curious, beautiful boy. At the young age of five, he was asking as many questions as possible.

"Auntie Kairi, what are those bunnies doing?" Kairi looked up from her book to see a couple of rabbits going at it like...well...rabbits. Naminé looked up, too, and looked at Kairi in desperation.

"Procreating dear," Kairi responded.

"Oh," Sora wrinkled his forehead. "What does that mean?"

"Pro means 'good' and create means 'make', so..." Kairi smiled.

"They're 'making good'?"

"Yes. Very good, dear," Kairi winked at Naminé, who looked at her disapprovingly.

When he reached ten years of age, Naminé decided that she should teach Sora how to dance.

"You'll need to know how when you're older," she told him.

"But it's hard!" The boy whined, slumping to the floor for the umpteenth time.

"I know, sweetie. Take a few deep breaths and, when you're ready, stand up and try again."

"I don't want to!"

Sighing, Naminé sucked her teeth - a bad habit she'd acquired since Sora'd been able to walk. After a few minutes the blonde called over Kairi. The two whispered to each other for a bit, ignoring Sora's curious looks, before Kairi held one of Naminé's hands, placing the other on her waist, Naminé placing her hand on Kairi's shoulder. Sora, realizing what was going on, restarted the music and sat on the side, out of the way.

Kairi counted in her head before starting slowly. "One two three, one two three, one two three," she said along with the music. As it sped up, though, she stopped counting aloud and closed her eyes, guiding the smaller girl around the room gracefully, their feet leaving the floor to waltz in the air, twirling and dipping to the music.

When the song finished, they reached the floor again and opened their eyes, both smiling blissfully. They looked at Sora, who was clapping, his eyes shining with renowned enthusiasm.

Over the years, though, Sora's favourite thing to do was to bake. Slowly, he learned more and more recipes until he could make something no matter what they had in the cupboards. Xion found great pride in watching Sora mix and knead to his heart's content.

"Good job, Sora. This looks really delicious," Xion said when he took a raspberry pie out of the oven.

"Thanks, Aunt Xion! I hope it tastes delicious, too!" Sora placed the pie on the windowsill to cool.

Xion smiled and sighed. "Alright, little one, time for bed," Xion said, ushering Sora towards his bedroom. "You can clean up the kitchen in the morning."

"I'm not a kid, anymore, Aunt Xion. I look older than you, now! When we go into town everyone thinks the four of us are siblings."

"I know, but you're still a child on the inside so go to bed. I don't want to have to deal with your crabby butt if you stay up late so go now!" Xion laughed.

Sora laughed, too. "Okay, okay. See you in the morning. Love you," Sora disappeared up the stairs.

"Love you, too."


"His birthday is in a month," Kairi said.

Everyone was silent. They all knew it would come someday but as Sora's sixteenth birthday approached, none of the women knew what to do.

"The King and Queen have requested to see him on his birthday. They want him back at the Castle," Xion said solemnly.

"These years have gone by so fast," Naminé said. "We've raised him out here in the forest on our own and now we have to give him up? It's just not fair," the blonde wiped tears from her eyes to no avail. Kairi went over to her friend and hugged her empathetically.

"I know," the redhead said. "But we need to prepare. He can dace, he's polite, he showers often...what else is there?"

"Clothes," Xion said. "He doesn't have any clothes appropriate for the celebration King Demyx is sure to throw."

"You're right," Kairi said. "We need to make him a dress."

"Dress?" Xion's eyes widened almost comically. "But he's MALE!"

"He would look good in a dress," Naminé said. "White, I think."

"No. Definitely pink," Kairi said.

"Black!" Xion countered.

"I thought he's 'male', Kairi mocked. Xion pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. "Okay, okay. We'll make him a tuxedo," Kairi relented.

"Plain. Black and white," Xion said.


Naminé waved her hand and a tuxedo appeared in the air. "Will this do?" Xion nodded so she floated it over to the closet, where the suit hung itself up. "Now what?"

"I guess," Kairi said, "we wait."


On the eve of Sora's sixteenth birthday the four forest dwellers donned cloaks and secretly made their way to the Castle. Once they could see it, Sora stopped to marvel.

"It's so big," he said, astonished. The fairies allowed him a moment to take it in before ushering the boy along. Once they reached the side, Kairi knocked on a stone and a section of the wall slid away, revealing a well-lit tunnel. Kairi went in first, then Xion and Naminé who held Sora's hand, leading him. They walked for a few minutes before the tunnel expanded into a chamber. Torches lined the side and two other cloaked figures stood in the middle of the circular room. Sora hesitated upon seeing them, unsure of what to expect.

"It's okay. Come on," Naminé whispered, tugging the young Prince's hand gently. Sora reluctantly followed until he was standing behind Kairi, the three fairies standing in a line facing the people waiting for them. The women removed their hoods and nodded to the boy to do so, too. He did slowly, not quite trusting the strangers in front of him.

The smaller one, who couldn't have been taller that Sora, removed his hood as well, revealing a man with periwinkle hair obscuring his left eye and bags under his right, showing his lack of sleep.

"Sora," the man breathed before running at the boy. Kairi sidestepped before she was barrelled into and Sora was squeezed to within an inch of his life before the stranger pulled away.

"Auntie Kairi," Sora looked at the woman closest to him, "who is this?"

The man looked upset before turning around to compose himself. He turned around again, smiling sadly.

"Sora," Kairi said, "meet Zexion: Queen of the kingdom and your 'mother'.

Nobody moved, nobody made a sound. The only sound was that of the water trickling down the walls. Eventually, Sora started blinking almost spastically.

"Darling, are you okay?" Naminé held his shoulders.

Sora looked down at his blonde aunt before licking his lips and speaking again. "So that other man there father?"

The King pulled his hood off, smiling widely. "That's my boy," he said. Sora recognized his face from the munny they'd used whenever they went to the market.

"So I'm...the Prince?"

"That's correct," Xion said.

Nobody moved again. Sora's face scrunched up as he contemplated what he had just been told.

"Alright then...This will certainly take some getting used to but I'm ready to try!"

Zexion rushed forward and embraced the brunet again and Demyx slowly followed suit. Kairi, Xion and Naminé stood at a distance, watching sadly. When Sora broke from his parents he ran and hugged his 'aunts'.

"I don't want you guys to leave," he murmured.

"We don't want to leave, either," Naminé said, "but this is where you belong."

Sora turned to face his parents. "Can Auntie Kairi, Auntie Naminé and Aunt Xion move to the Castle with me?" His blue eyes were wide with hope. Zexion and Demyx understood that their son was more attached to the women who'd raised him so they didn't want him to resent them by declining his request.

"Of course," Demyx said. "We've got plenty of room."

Sora smiled. "Thank you so much," he said.

"Why don't we show you all to your rooms? You'll need to sleep to be ready for the party tomorrow," Zexion said.

"Party?" Sora asked.

"Your father is known for his parties," the Queen explained. "He's throwing you a birthday party."

"I see," Sora said.

They were all led up to Sora's room. It was painted cerulean blue and had a four-poster bed on one side with a canopy and more pillows than Sora could count! The wall right in front of him was all windows with a view of the moon and fields as far as the eye could see. Rolling hills, a road and a farm off in the distance were the things Sora could see in the dark. A mirror and a privacy partition were also in the room.

Demyx opened the closet, which was empty.

"We didn't want to try to guess your size," he explained.

Xion snapped and the tuxedo Naminé had aparated a month earlier appeared in the closet.

"We got this for you for tomorrow," Kairi said.

"I still think he'd look cuter in a dress," Naminé said.

"Depends," Demyx hummed, "what colour?"


"Hmm...yeah. I think you're right."

Xion and Sora shared an angry look.

"Maybe it's all our magic," Kairi smiled. "It's stunted his growth: made him look more feminine."

"Hey!" Sora said.

"Get used to it," Zexion said. "Unless you get taller you'll have to deal with this for the rest of your life."

Sora smiled. "I suppose you'd know, right?"

Zexion raised an eyebrow. They remained that way for a few seconds before they burst into laughter simultaneously. Demyx joined in and soon everyone was laughing. No one was going anywhere. Everything would be okay. Every spindle had been stored in the dungeons for the next few days and guards were posted to keep anyone from entering the dungeons. Everything would be alright.


Sora couldn't sleep. The new über soft bed was - while nice and comfortable - foreign. It seemed that no matter what position he lay in or for how long he closed his eyes that he boy was no closer to sleeping than a mouse was to taking over the world.

A noise on the other side of the door made Sora sit up. It sounded like a person was walking down the hall towards his door. Sora listened as the sound got closer. It sounded a lot like footsteps. They stopped right outside the Prince's door. Sora crawled out of bed and crouched by his door, listening closely. He heard nothing for a few minutes and was about to go back to bed when someone spoke.

"Sora, come out," the voice said. It sounded like Naminé so Sora stood up and touched the doorknob. He hesitated but the voice urged him on. "Come on. Hurry!"

Sora took a deep breath and opened the door a crack. He saw no one so he opened it more but still no one was there. Looking down the hall, the brunet discovered that it was empty, completely devoid of life. Curious, he stepped out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him. A light shone down the right side of the hall. It was white and threatened to blind him but it rounded a corner and dimmed considerably.

"Follow me, Sora," Naminé's voice said from the direction of the light.

The boy felt suspicious but pushed the feeling down and obeyed his aunt. Sora had no reason to doubt the voice and the white light was the same colour as Naminé's magic so why would he feel so apprehensive about following what was obviously - Sora's logic concluded - a woman the brunet had trusted since he was a baby?

Sora followed but whenever he rounded a corner Naminé had reached the next one. The whole time Sora's tension grew but he continued to ignore the feeling. Eventually he reached a staircase and followed up it, sheilding his eyes as he got nearer and nearer to the light.

Eyes completely screwed shut, Sora stepped onto the last step and into the light. It took him a second to wait out the disorientation before Sora dared open his eyes. Just when he did, the light shrunk into a tiny, concentrated ball. No one was around but beside the ball of light was a woman who looked around twenty sitting in front of a strange contraption. It looked like there was wool on it but in the dim light Sora couldn't tell.

"Hello," he said and the woman looked up at him, "have you seen my aunt? She comes up to my chin, looks about fourteen years old and has light blonde hair."

"No, I haven't seen her," the woman said. "No one's here but me."

"Oh," Sora felt uneasy around the woman but he couldn't, for the life of him, figure out why. His attention turned to the machine the yellow-blonde woman was working. "What's that?" He asked, his curiosity getting the best of him.

"This? This is a spinning wheel. Have you never seen one before?"

"No," Sora stepped closer to it hesitantly. "What's it for?"

"It spins this wool into yarn for knitting," the woman gestured. Sora looked at it intently. "Would you like to try?"

"Could I?" Sora asked.

"Of course," she got up, "sit here," Sora thought her smile looked a big too...eager...but sat on the stool anyways.

"What do I do?" Sora scanned the spinning wheel. The light reflected off of a piece of metal and Sora reached out to it. "What's this for?" He asked, touching it. A small pain ran through his hand as it pricked him and Sora fell to the ground.

Larxene stood up, her plain clothes melting to the purple dress she really wore. Her sweet smile turned into one of satisfied malice as the light faded, bathing the room in darkness.


Kairi sat up in her bed, breath ragged though why, she couldn't fathom. She got out of bed and opened the drapes a bit, noticing that it was just passed midnight.

Deciding to get some fresh air, the fairy went out into the hallway. Out of the corner of her eye she saw someone slip around a corner. Curious, Kairi followed. When she rounded the corner she recognized Sora. It looked like he was following something but Kairi saw nothing so she stayed a distance behind the boy, careful not to give herself away.

Eventually Kairi saw Sora reached a set of stairs. At the top was a white light that looked vaguely like Naminé's magic but Kairi saw through the cheap imitation. Remembering that it was currently Sora's sixteenth birthday, Kairi ran forward to pull Sora back but he stepped on the stairs and a translucent purple barrier - Larxene's magic - sprang up in front of the woman.

"Sora! Sora; come back! It's a trap," Kairi called but her cries fell on deaf ears. Even pounding on the barrier warranted no response from the Prince - obviously an effect of the barrier. Kairi continued pounding and calling, even reaching out with her magic but to no avail. She contemplated going to get Naminé and Xion but knew that if she did it would be too late to even try to save Sora.

The light at the top of the stairs dimmed and everything was dark. Kairi stopped, her face flooded with tears. Closing her eyes, she called out with her mind. Hoping would get her nowhere, she knew, but she did anyway.


Kairi turned to see Naminé running to her. When they stood together Kairi held the blonde's hands and let herself cry harder.

"What happened? Why did you call me?"

"Sora," Kairi choked out, "he followed Larxene's magic and now I - I can't get to him. I'm so glad you heard me."

"Calm down. We won't be able to help if you're in hysterics," Naminé said, though she looked about ready to burst into tears, herself. Kairi nodded. "Now," the younger girl continued, "concentrate," she put her hands to the barrier and her hands started glowing white. Kairi smiled; Naminé's true magic looked amazing compared to Larxene's mockery of it. Kairi mimicked Naminé's pose, her own pink magic flowing to her hands. Under the pressure of their combined power, the barrier started to weaken. Its jelly-like consistency diluted to a more watery texture. "'Almost...there," Naminé grunted, beads of sweat forming on her brow. Kairi could only nod and hope they could make it in time.

Suddenly the barrier dropped. The woman panicked, however, bolting up the stairs.

They hadn't removed the barrier.


"When will he wake up?" Zexion asked, staring down at his son who had been taken away from him once again.

"When his true love kisses him," Xion replied. "That's the spell."

"But who would kiss a sleeping person?"

"There are a lot of weird people out there," Kairi said. "There's got to be one person."

"I don't want my son to fall in love with a weirdo!"

"Don't by so hypocritical," Demyx said. "You married one, after all."

Zexion smiled a little but never took his eyes off Sora. "What if it takes a long time for him to awaken? He'll wake up to no one he knows," Zexion wanted the best for his son.

Xion looked at the sleeping Prince. He was laid on his bed with his hands clasped over his chest. He was quite handsome, with a sweet face not like those of the dead but pink like those who are sleeping peacefully.

"There is something we can do," Xion said before consulting with her friends. "Please come with me," the girls left Sora's room and led the Royal couple to the throne room. Demyx and Zexion automatically sat on their thrones, staring at the fairies.

They closed their eyes, held hands and prepared a spell. Naminé and Kairi's magic swirled into the middle soon followed by the black light that Xion emitted. When the girls opened their eyes the King and Queen were asleep, just like Sora, in their seats, leaning on each other's shoulders. If they'd searched the rest of the Castle they would find that everyone in it had fallen asleep. Everything would be preserved exactly as it had been left for Sora when he would awaken. All the fairies had to do was wait for the Prince's one true love to come and break both spells.


Many years passed. Around the Castle the trees grew tall. The bushes became thick and near impenetrable, the grass invaded the cobblestones and ivy grew up the walls.

A great number of warriors, men and women alike, heard the rumors of the sleeping Prince and tried their hand at awakening him but no one had succeeded. Morale was low and very few bothered even contemplating braving the impenetrable fortress the Castle had become.

One day, though, a young Prince from a different nation was riding through the woods. He had heard of the breathtaking beauty of the sleeping boy and wanted to try his hand at waking him. This Prince - whose name was Riku - valued the things that seemed to be lost in men: sincerity, purity and vulnerability. He looked for these things among the men he met at various gatherings but had yet to find it. Riku only hoped that he could find these things in the fabled Prince in the sleeping Castle.

Emerging from the forest, Riku saw the Castle in front of him. Thick bushes and thorns formed a deep barrier but the Prince was prepared to brave the dangers for the possibility of his happiness on the other side.

Riku hacked and slashed his way through, getting small cuts on himself here and there but otherwise unharmed. It took several hours but the silver-haired boy never gave up. When he finally emerged, Riku gazed in awe at the building in front of him. It seemed in pristine condition (except for the growth) even though whispers said it had been there for a hundred years.

Riku walked towards the castle and, seeing the drawbridge down, crossed into the Castle proper. He saw all the people draped over the steps, halls and chairs. His brain told him that they all must be dead but, upon closer inspection, they were all simply asleep.

What kind of magic put all of these people to sleep? Riku thought.

Standing in the throne room, Riku saw the King and Queen asleep on their thrones.

"Wake up," he shouted but no one showed any signs of stirring. Riku's voice echoed through the room, causing him to wince.

Shivering, Riku continued through to a hallway with a series of rooms. Dust was layered faintly on almost every door. Only four were spared and Riku took a deep breath before opening the first one. A young girl sat in front of a mirror, brushing her red hair. The girl was clad very scantily, only in her undergarments. The mirror was angled so that he couldn't see her face, but he saw her going through the motions of applying make up. When she heard the door click closed, she startled.

"Oh! Goodness; you're early, give me a moment. Make yourself at home," she said. Riku found it strange that this little girl would be expecting him (in her underwear, no less) but sat on the edge of her bed gingerly anyways.

The girl stood up, tossed her hair and turned around, hands on her hips, smiling in a fashion he could only describe as "sexy". Right away, though, her smile dropped and the redhead made to cover herself up.

"Sorry," she exclaimed, throwing on the housecoat that was draped over her chair, "I thought you were someone else."

"Understandable," he said, "I'm sure you don't get many visitors here."

The girl laughed nervously, her face pink. "Yeah; that's for sure. Most assume everyone's dead and run away, fearing a curse!"

"Then most are obviously not intelligent enough to check," Riku said.

"I suppose," the girl said. "I'm Kairi, by the way."

"Hello Kairi, I'm Prince Riku," the boy stood up and extended his hand. Kairi took it, smiling.

"You're perfect," she said.

Riku's head cocked to the side in curiosity but Kairi only giggled, refusing to explain anything.

"What brings you out here?" She asked.

"I've heard the rumors of the sleeping boy and thought I'd check it out," Riku said.

"You must be very determined," Kairi raised an eyebrow. "You wouldn't happen to be one of those chivalrous 'save the damsel in distress' types, would you?"

"I've been called that before, yes," Riku blushed a little.

"Oh; I knew it!" The redhead clapped, elated. "Sora's going to love you. He always did like the melancholy ones."

"Sora? Who's that?"

Kairi gasped, her eyes wide. "The 'sleeping boy' you've searched for. You don't even know his name?"

"No one knows his name. It's one of the mysteries," Riku smiled, "but I'm glad I know."

The two turned to the door, hearing it open. Another young girl with long blonde hair turned, closing the door before facing the room properly. Obviously she hadn't noticed Riku because when she spotted him she squeaked and looked to Kairi for assistance. This was understandable, seeing as this girl was in frilly white underwear and a translucent shawl draped over her shoulders which almost did the opposite of cover her up.

Kairi quickly went over and covered the girl, walking her over to the bed. Kairi reached under it and pulled out something Riku couldn't quite see. After some eye-averting and rushed changing the blonde was wearing a simple white dress that contrasted with her currently pink face.

"Sorry about that," Kairi said to the girl. She turned to Riku. "This is - ah - who I was expecting. Naminé; this is Riku. He's come for Sora. Riku; this is my 'friend', Naminé."

"Pleased to meet you," Naminé said. "Sorry about my initial lack of clothing."

"Think nothing of it," Riku said. "Kairi thought I was you until she faced me. There's no way either of you could have known that I'd be here."

The blonde giggled. "Xion's done that, too. Walked in at...inopportune times, I mean."

"Her face is priceless," Kairi sighed, smiling. "Every time."


"Our friend," Naminé explained. "There are three of us awake here."

"Any particular reason you are awake but no one else is?" Riku asked, changing the subject.

"We actually put everyone to sleep," Kairi said nonchalantly.

Riku stepped back warily. "You're witches?"

"No; we're fairies," Naminé said. "We put everyone to sleep for Sora."

"For Sora?"

So Kairi and Naminé told Riku the whole story from the beginning. They told of the party, Larxene and hiding Sora for sixteen years. Riku listened intently, not interrupting once. When there were done, the Prince stood up, determination on his face.

"So he's just down the hall, then?"

"Yes. After this room is Naminé's, then Xion's and Sora's is the fourth," Kairi smiled. "I'm sure you're the one who will free everyone."

"Treat him well," Naminé said.

"I will," Riku said. "Thank you," he left the room and stared down the hallway. He slowly walked passed the clean doors. Light was fading quickly as the sun set outside and Riku noticed a light under the door of Xion's room. Figuring that she should be in the loop, he knocked on her door.

"Enter," a voice said from within. It sounded young and Riku hoped that this one was wearing clothes.

The boy was relieved to see that Xion wore a large, black coat the same colour as her hair.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I am Prince Riku. I've come for Sora."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Riku said, confused. "Kairi and Naminé have already told me everything."

"I see."


There were a few seconds of awkward silence.

"I guess I'll be going," Riku said, reaching for the door.

"Riku," the boy turned. "Good luck."

Riku nodded and left, finding himself alone in the hallway yet again. Standing outside Sora's door, Riku felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. He'd found the perfect person for him all by himself. No suitor supplied by his father could ever make the silver-haired Prince feel so happy. Trying to contain his smile, Riku opened the door slowly.

The pale orange glow from the last of the sunset illuminated the pale room, silhouetting the bed in the centre and, more importantly, the boy on it. Although the mesh around the bed obscured Sora's features, Riku felt his gut clench in anticipation.

Riku crossed to the four-poster bed quickly, pulling back the mesh. His breath hitched as he gazed for the first time at the sleeping Prince. Riku quickly crawled up beside Sora, leaning his face over to kiss the brunet.

Their lips met and Sora instantly reacted. His eyes flew open and Riku saw, for the first time, the infinite blue eyes of the younger Prince. Riku broke the kiss and the boys stared at each other for an eternity before the older one spoke.

"I'm Riku," he whispered.

"Sora," the now-awake boy said.

Riku sat up and Sora followed. Riku waited patiently as the brunet rubbed his sleep-filled eyes - an action that was long overdue. Sora swung his legs over the side of the bed, standing up but his legs failed to support him and he went down.

Riku was at his side in an instant, helping Sora back up to sit on the edge of the bed.

"What happened?" Sora asked. "How long have I been out?"

"Well, that's a delicate subject," Riku said tentatively.

"How long?" Sora persisted. "A week? A month?"

"Try a century," Riku said quietly. Sora huffed. "I'm not lying. Your aunts told me everything."

"Which ones?" Sora scoffed. "Auntie Kairi likes to pull your leg. I bet it was her."

"Yeah, but Naminé was there too. Does she like to 'pull your leg'?"

Sora's eyes widened. "No. If Auntie Kairi was lying to you Auntie Naminé would have pointed it out," he was silent, surely trying to absorb all the information. "Tell me everything," Sora looked at Riku with a gaze so intense that no one could have refused him.

Sighing, Riku started at the beginning. He told Sora about the curse, the curse fulfilling, his own quest and everything in between. When he was done, Sora smiled.

"At least everyone is still alive," Sora said.

"Yes," Riku said.

"So only true love could awaken me, eh?" Sora smiled slyly at Riku, who blushed.

"That was what Xion said, yes."

Riku couldn't even prepare for the hug - more like tackle, really - that Sora gave him, sending them both to the floor. Sora smashed his lips to Riku's kissing him passionately. Riku closed his eyes and returned the kiss, running a hand through the younger Prince's hair. When they broke apart Riku chuckled.

"You have major bed-head," he said.

"Ever the romantic," Sora chided, punching Riku playfully on the shoulder.

"That's me."

The couple slowly got up, Riku careful not to let Sora fall. They left Sora's room and walked down the hall, planning to tell Kairi and Naminé the good news.

"Hey; where are you going?"

The two turned to see Xion peeking out from her door.

"We were going to see Kairi and Naminé," Riku said.

"Aunt Xion!" Sora rushed over to his guardian, hugging her fiercely. "I'm so glad to see you!" Xion returned the hug, smiling.

"I'm glad to see you up and about," the girl said. "I hope you two will be happy together."

Sora nodded. "We will!"

"I wouldn't visit Kairi and Naminé, if I were you," Xion continued. "They'll have started...celebrating already."

"Well, can't we join them?" Sora asked innocently. "I'm the subject of their celebration, right?"

"No, Sora," she turned to Riku. "Come in here. Any further down the hall and you'll be able to hear them," Riku nodded, guiding Sora into Xion's room, too.

They all sat down. Xion and Riku in chairs and Sora on Xion's bed. No one quite knew what to say, but Riku had something on his mind.

"What will Larxene do now?" He asked.

Xion took a breath. "Probably come after us," she said matter-of-factly. "Pretty soon she'll realize her plan has failed and that someone has awoken Sora."

"I see," Riku said. "So we wait it out, then?"

"Pretty much. No one knows where Larxene lives so we'll have to wait for her to come to us."

Riku nodded and got up, crossing to Sora. The taller boy sat down beside his lover and pulled him close. "I won't let anything happen to you," he whispered. They cuddled, smiling but anxious never-the-less.

Soon Kairi and Naminé came in, smiling widely. They sat on Xion's bed, too (both were fully clothed, Riku realized, relieved), one on either side of the couple.

"Auntie Kairi! Auntie Naminé!" Sora squeezed Naminé, who was on his right, before leaping across Riku's lap to hug Kairi as well.

"How are you doing, kiddo?" Kairi asked, smiling.

"Great! How are you?"

"Better than I've been in a long time," she replied.

"Me too," Naminé said.

"Guess what?" Sora asked. "I've got a boyfriend!" Sora turned his embrace to Riku, who hugged back, albeit a bit more gently.

"Yes, you do," Kairi said before looking at Riku. "You treat him right, you hear? If I hear of even one mean thing you even think about Sora: I'll saw off your - "

"That's quite enough, Kairi," Naminé interjected, her face pink.

"Yes, I understand your intent," Riku said, blanching at the mental image. "I would never even think of being cruel or disrespectful to Sora. That I promise you."

It started with a snicker. Then a subdued chuckle. Eventually, Kairi let out the laugh. "Your face is so hilarious," she exclaimed, holding her stomach. It didn't take long for everyone to start laughing, too. The four on the bed fell backwards in a heap and Xion fell off of her chair, rolling on the floor somewhat uncharacteristically.

Once everyone was gasping for breath, Sora hiccuping, the laughter died down, leaving everyone wiping tears out of their eyes, sighing.

Their breaths were forced out, however, when a sonic boom knocked both their voices and Xion's window out. Looking over, Larxene stood on a large, blue dragon hovering outside. They all ran to the balcony, ready for a fight.

"So it's true," Larxene said. "The brat has awoken."

"Hell yeah I have! Come and get me," Sora shouted.

"Sora!" Riku chastised.

"I think I'll take you up on that," the witch smiled maniacally.

"Duck!" Kairi yelled. Everyone did just in time as the dragon's massive tail sailed right where their heads were, taking out a chunk of the wall behind them.

"Sora; get out of here," Riku ushered. Sora scowled but ran into the hallway, disappearing from view.

"Aww; the knight in shining armour has come to save the day," Larxene cooed. "Too bad I'll have to crash this party, too!" The dragon flew straight at the remaining fighters, who jumped back, ending up crushed against the wall opposite.

"Is everyone okay?" Riku called. He heard three affirmations so he drew his sword and launched himself at the dragon.

The beast reacted quickly, opening his mouth casually. Riku had to back pedal to keep himself from running headlong into the monster's mouth. Instead, he jumped onto the creature's snout, aiming straight for Larxene, who merely laughed and raised a hand. Riku bounced off of an invisible wall, stumbling a little. The Prince went to attack again but Kairi held him back. Riku looked at her angrily but the redheads look kept him silent.

"Defense magic is Larxene's forte," she whispered. "You'll have to surprise her if you want to get to her."

"And how, pray tell, do I do that?" Riku whispered back.

"I don't know," Kairi admitted sheepishly, "but Naminé might." Riku raised an eye brow when the aforementioned blonde stepped forward.

"We were together before she took up dark magic," Naminé said.

"How long ago was that?" Riku asked.

"About three centuries ago," Riku choked on his breath. "I left her when I found lightning magic books under our bed. She never was good at hide-and-seek."

"I...see," Riku said. He noticed that Kairi looked uncomfortable but he couldn't think of what to do about it, "but how do we defeat her?"

"The only thing that can pass through something invisible is light," Naminé said, thinking.

"Do you have light magic, by any chance?"

"No," she said, "but I have fire magic, Kairi has water magic and Xion has dark magic. If we combine those together you get light."

"But don't water and fire cancel each other out, leaving you with just darkness, which would penetrate, too?"

"Logically, yes, but no. Xion's magic isn't strong enough to penetrate by herself so we've got to modify. In the darkness, there's a fire. Around that fire are plane surfaces of water. The flame's light reflects off of the water, therefore illuminating everything."

"I see," Riku nodded.

"So; if all three of us use a focus point and combine our magic, we'll be able to break through Larxene's reflecting spells and vanquish her before she brings out her lightning spells." Naminé smiled triumphantly.

"So what do I have to do?" Riku figured he'd be the distraction. That's what usually what happens to his type of character, anyway -

"Distract Larxene until we can gather a strong enough charge."

Of course, he thought. "And the 'focus point'? What are you going to use for that?"

"We'll figure that out when it's necessary," Kairi said.

"I'm bored," Larxene shrieked, pointing her fingers at Riku. An arch of electricity flared but Riku was able to roll out of the way in time and he noticed that the fairies had disappeared before it hit them but where they'd gone: Riku didn't know. It didn't concern the Prince, though, because he knew he just had to keep the blonde witch busy until they were ready.

Riku charged at Larxene, letting her throw up her reflective spell before stopping and angling his sword so that the rising sun's rays bounced off of it and into Larxene's eyes. She gasped, shielding her eyes for a split second,letting her barrier drop for that infinitely small amount of time.

It was all Riku needed.

Charging for real this time, Riku brought the pommel of his sword to Larxene's stomach, knocking her back some. He hit her face with his left fist before kneeing her in the stomach, complementing what he'd already done.

Kairi, Naminé and Xion appeared around Riku when he jumped back to the ground.

"Quickly; point your sword at her," Kairi shouted.

The Prince obliged, holding his stance. Around him, the tri-coloured magic swirled, converging on his sword. Larxene coughed, getting up, and smiled.

"How futile," she said, ready to reflect their spell.

Instantly, power surged through Riku's blade, blasting out of the tip, straight at Larxene. Her reflective magic did nothing to stop the pure light energy that was emitted from the three fairies.

The light energy split into its fundamental elements: fire, water and darkness, before hitting Larxene full force. The woman screamed and she and her dragon disappeared, letting off a thick sulfuric smell. Everyone cringed and Riku asked, with use of profanity, what the smell was.

"The dragon," Kairi explained. "Those who think they're smelly alive obviously have never disintegrated one."

Riku nodded, grimacing. He then followed the women back into the hallway, looking for Sora. They called for him but heard no answer. Everyone was worried until they reached the throne room. Sora was in front of the Queen, poking him awake. The man's eyes squinted in annoyance as he yawned.

"Sora; stop that," the periwinkle-haired man said. It took him a few seconds to realize what he'd just said. "Sora!" The man's eyes flew fully open and he wrapped his arms around Sora, squeezing him.

"Hey...uh...Mum. How are you?" Sora hugged back, smiling.

"I'm great! What about you; are you okay?"

"Better than ever," the brunet replied.

"So you've found your...true love?"

"Yeah;" Sora jumped up and ran over to Riku, holding his hand. "This is Riku. He woke me up!"

The Queen surveyed the boy. "He's not a weirdo, is he? Why would someone kiss a sleeping person?"

"We told him of the curse prior to his entrance of Sora's chambers," Naminé said. "He didn't do it because he's a 'weirdo'."

"Yeah! Don't say mean stuff about Riku," Sora said, clinging to the older boy's arm. "I love him. We're getting married!"

Riku's eyes widened but he smiled at Sora before leaving him and walking up to the Queen. "I'm Riku," he said, extending his hand. "I'm a Prince from Enchanted Dominion. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance."

The man placed his hand in Riku's and watched the boy kiss it. "I am Zexion: Queen of Castle Oblivion. Thank you for rescuing Sora."

"The pleasure is all mine," Riku said. He walked past Zexion to the King, who had been sitting in his throne the whole time, watching the scene. "Your Majesty," Riku bowed, "I am Prince Riku of Enchanted Dominion."

"Thank you again, Riku. I am King Demyx of Castle Oblivion," Demyx stood up and shook the boy's hand heartily, smiling.

"There is something I'd like to ask you. It seems that Sora has already decided but formalities, of course," Riku held the King's hand still, looking into his eyes. "King Demyx; may I, Prince Riku, please have your son's, Prince Sora's, hand in marriage?"

"Of course! How could I interupt the true love that sparks between you two? I won't pull what my mother did when I met Zexion," Demxy smiled so wide Riku thought his face would fall off.

"What happened?" Sora asked, stepping forward.

"It's a long story," Demyx said. "My mother really didn't want us together. She tested Zexion like crazy."

"My back hurts just thinking abou it," Zexion said.

Just as confused, Riku put it behind him. He turned to Sora and held his hand. He placed a soft kiss on the boy's forehead and knelt in front of him.

"Sora," he said, "will you marry me?" Sora's face scrunched up, scrutinizing Riku's

"Of course," he said, smiling and tackling Riku to the floor. "It was my idea, after all!"

"I know but it felt right to ask."

"You're too chivalrous for your own good, you know that?"

"Hmm," Riku hummed and placed his lips on Sora's The brunet closed his eyes and smiled into the kiss. "I love you," Riku said when they broke apart.

"I love you, too," Sora replied. He sat up abruptly, nearly knocking his head into Riku's teeth. "What happened with you and Larxene?"

"Well," Riku began.

"No,no,no," Demyx cut him off. "Start from the very beginning of your adventure. We have to hear it."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Riku said.

"Call my 'Demyx'," the King cut him off, again.

"Of course," Riku smiled, telling everyone the tale yet again. Kairi and Naminé pardoned themselves since they'd either heard it or where there for it. Probably going back to their room to make out or something, Riku thought, deciding to leave out the embarrassing incidents concerning the two. Eventually Xion dismissed herself, too, since she'd been there for the fight, leaving only the Royal Family of Castle Oblivion in his company. When he was done Sora clapped.

"You're so brave, Riku," he added, snuggling closer.

Riku put his arm around Sora. "I was protecting you. Nothing 'brave' came from it; I just reacted automatically."

"I love you, too, you ignorant silly," Sora kissed the side of Riku's mouth. Riku hugged Sora tighter, relishing the closeness.

"Get up you two," Zexion said, bopping Riku on the head lightly. The couple looked at him funny. Zexion smiled. "We've got a wedding to plan!"

The room lit up with everyone's smiles as both couples held hands and set their sights on the future.
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Corresponding Chapter: [link]
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Hey thanks for reading the second chapter! This story is freaking humongous, man. It's only going to be six chapters long but I get the feeling it'll be longer word-wise than my 18-chapter one!

Thanks again to Celestial-moon-fire for beta-ing. You're great; we make a good team!

Stay tuned. I had a better Author's Note planned but I lost it because saving documents on school computers is a bitch. Love you and see you next time.

Reviews are appreciated (PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE)!
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piercerhys2's avatar
I love this! It's nice how you mixed the story with the fairys, with the one where the mother tested the Queen, :) Are you getting the bases of these storys from Happily ever after?